Journey 1 — Relationship with You

You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Focusing on You

01 — Forgiving Yourself

As you are redefining who you want to become in the masterpiece of your life, you often have to forgive yourself for mishaps, misunderstandings, fails, and sometimes repeating the same patterns out of conditioning. However, through awareness, those patterns dissipate and you start seeing yourself authentically.

02 — Accepting Yourself

Accepting yourself where you are now and what has happened in the past will create space to redefine who you want to become.

03 — From Chaos to Peace

Through the uncomfortable feelings of the unknown as you try new habits, new thoughts forms, and new actions- you begin to experience inner peace. You are able to meet yourself again from a new perspective and a deep-rooted relationship with yourself based on love.

04 — Empowering Yourself to Empower Others

This deep-rooted love for yourself gives you the energy and space to support others. This is where relationships flourish and others heal. There’s a meeting of hearts with more understanding and compassion for one another.

Meet Ellie

I had to abruptly meet myself…

I was experiencing post-partum depression after having my first child, I had hypothyroidism and a severe case of eczema on my hands and arms. I remember telling myself: '"I’m falling apart". Little did I know that falling apart was the beginning of an incredible healing journey for me that lead me to explore tools and choose the ones that worked for me. This was the beginning of an unraveling of trauma and abuse that was dormant and becoming a mother caused everything to come to the surface. I have spent the last decade understanding myself, my ancestry, my behavioral patterns, and the various choices that lead me to where I am today.

I have explored traditional and non-traditional philosophies, techniques, and modalities with a strong desire to find something that worked for me. I have a deep interest in the triad known as mind, body, and spirit because addressing these three parts of ourselves allows us to experience long-lasting changes in our lives. I offer classes/workshops/private sessions that support the healing triad:

  • Mind- by using Thetahealing® & Mindfulness Meditation

  • Soul - by using Soul Realignment® & Chaldean Numerology

  • Body -by using Self-Expression through the Arts

I specialize in:

  • ancestral healing

  • inner-child healing/re-parenting of the self

  • understanding life's purpose/innate gifts & talents

  • motherhood

  • self-empowerment, and self-love

  • women’s challenges

  • trauma and abuse

  • children and teens

  • family dynamics

A little bit more…

Today I no longer experience depressive episodes, my thyroid is healthy, no skin issues and I feel whole once again. I certainly continue to face aspects of myself that need a little tender love and care, but I'm in space now to provide support and love for others to experience a change. In the same way that my teachers provided me the space and support to know myself more deeply to heal.

I'm excited to provide a non-judgmental loving space for you to experience yourself more deeply for a long-lasting change. I believe there are so many different tools out there that are effective, it's just a matter of finding a few that work for YOU. We all have the capability to heal parts of ourselves, and our past, but sometimes we need a little support to sort things out.

I’m here with an open heart to meet you where you are and gently work together to get into a lighter, more joyful, and more empowered space.

This is for you if:

  • You are ready to meet yourself and see all aspects of you

  • You are ready to feel your feelings and emotions as they come up and welcome vulnerability and curiosity

  • You are ready to work as a team to reach your powerful intentions

  • You are ready to commit to your own self-improvement with consistency and accountability

If you face your flaws, you’ll notice the change.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.